Amy Cattelino

Amy has always believed financial planning is the best tool towards reaching financial goals. She originates from a family of engineers, which has led her work for clients being technical, logical, and detailed. As a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional, Amy is constantly scanning tax and retirement laws and facts for her clients, to ensure no [...]

Are you wondering how you can generate more income in retirement? In this video, Pure Financial Advisors’ Financial Planner, Amy Cattelino, CFP® lays out some ideas you can use to boost your retirement income.

6 Ways To Increase Your Income:

  1. Work Longer
  2. Work Part-Time
  3. Delay Social Security
  4. Restructure Your Portfolio
  5. Decrease Your Expenses
  6. Relocate


Let’s talk about ways to boost your retirement income and generate more, so you have more to live off of. I’m just going to spitball some ideas here.

One idea: maybe you work longer. Maybe you love your job, so why stop working? The more you work, the more income that comes in, the less time you have to touch savings, or pensions, or Social Security. Or maybe you work part-time in retirement – maybe it’s doing the job you’ve been doing. Maybe you do something fun that you always wanted to do. Maybe you like pottery, so you teach pottery classes, or maybe you babysit your grandkids, maybe then you charge the kids a couple bucks – cheaper than daycare at least. Or maybe you like to golf, so you’re going to work at the grounds, and then in return, you get free golf. That’s a perk, right?

Other things though you can consider: You can delay Social Security. By delaying Social Security, you’ll have an increased benefit for your life. You could take a look at maybe finding ways to have your portfolio be restructured, so that generates income for you. Or maybe you take a look at ways to decrease how much you need in retirement income. Maybe you cut back spending, maybe you pay off your mortgage or don’t take out an auto loan. Maybe you move somewhere where it’s a little bit cheaper to live, then you’re not having to spend as much, and you’re not having this need to generate more retirement income.

If you have more questions, if you want to get more insight, go to our website at PureFinancial.com, and we’ll be happy to point you in the right direction.

Are you on track for retirement? Click to download our free retirement calculator guide, for more useful information.