One simple mistake can take half of your Individual Retirement Account. Learn the pitfalls that people are making with their retirement accounts so that they don’t happen to you.
3:15 “The reason you can lose up to 50% of your [retirement] account is with penalties”
4:55 “The biggest mistake is that they don’t understand the taxation.”
5:25 “In your account, it’s about the purchasing power. The account balance is not all yours.”
13:08 “If you don’t take the [required minimum] distribution when you’re supposed to, it’s a 50% penatly”
15:33 “What happens is that the older you get, the more you have to withdraw from your IRA”
23:56 “Inherited IRAs, there’s some big problems and big opportunities.”
25:18 “It’s very important that you understand the rules for when you pass away or your heirs are going to lose half if you just make one simple mistake”