Newly updated for 2019:
The Social Security landscape changed dramatically in 2015 when Congress abolished several advanced claiming strategies that helped retirees increase lifetime income. The new Social Security rules make it more important than ever to make informed decisions when incorporating Social Security into your overall financial strategies.
If you are like most Americans, Social Security may provide a significant portion of your income in retirement. According to the Social Security Administration (SSA) statistics, Social Security benefits account for about 33 percent of retirement income for the average American. One of the biggest mistakes today’s retirees can make is to underestimate the importance of Social Security in their retirement strategies. In an era of vanishing pensions and volatile markets, Social Security offers government guaranteed income that isn’t vulnerable to market risk, can’t be outlived and can provide for your loved ones after your death.
However, Social Security preparation can be complex and the details of your personal situation matter a great deal when incorporating Social Security into your overall financial strategies. We developed this special report to help investors learn more about Social Security benefits and how to maximize their lifetime income from Social Security.
We developed this special report to help investors learn:
- How the new rules will affect your Social Security benefits
- How to maximize your lifetime income from Social Security
- How to incorporate Social Security into your overall retirement strategy
- And more