
Should David in Ohio use 457 funds to do an in-plan Roth conversion in his 403(b) plan, and should he hire a financial advisor? Chris in DC needs a retirement and Roth conversion spitball analysis, and he needs help getting out of a variable annuity. Kim is anxious that she made a mess of her finances and she wonders how much she should convert to Roth. Plus, what’s the best way for Alissa in Cedar Rapids, Iowa to make tax-efficient retirement withdrawals from an inherited IRA?

Inflation is high, interest rates are high, and the financial markets are volatile. Are bonds and series I bonds good investments or bad investments right now? How do bonds fit into your overall retirement portfolio? Plus, variable annuities, evaluating the long-term value of Roth contributions vs. Roth conversions, what if anything can be done about losses in an after-tax 401(k), helping adult kids buy a home – and drinks in the Derails.
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Risk management investing strategies: is selling rental property and buying a variable annuity to reduce sequence of return risk and interest rate risk a good idea? Do small-cap or emerging markets have better risk-adjusted returns against market volatility? Should eREITs (non-traded real estate investment trusts) be in your retirement investments? Is RPAR Risk Parity ETF a good inflation hedge? Should you be tax gain harvesting in declining financial markets?
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Joe and Big Al take a look at an investing strategy a listener set up for his parents, and they run the numbers on their variable annuity. They also kick the tires on an early retirement plan and they discuss equity allocations in a portfolio. And since no YMYW is complete without a little Roth […]

Variable Annuities can be complex and may be difficult to understand. Senior Financial planner Matt Balderston, CFP® of Pure Financial Advisors breaks down what variable annuities are and what you should be aware of. Listen to the Your Money, Your Wealth® podcast episode for more on variable annuities: Transcript: So what’s the truth about variable annuities? […]