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Is now the time to buy tech stocks? Is it too soon to go global with your investments? What is next for the Federal Reserve? Brian Perry, CFP®, CFA®, AIF®, Executive Vice President and Chief Investment Officer at Pure Financial Advisors, recaps what’s happened in the financial markets so far this year, and what we […]

During the second half of 2022, worries about a potential economic slowdown grew. Those fears seemed to dissipate as the calendar flipped to 2023, but they’ve recently begun percolating again. On April 11th, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) released a new forecast1 for short and intermediate term global economic growth, which included some of the […]

Should investors worry about regional banks? Will the Federal Reserve finally tame inflation, and is a recession looming? What’s next for stocks and bonds? Pure Financial Advisors’ Executive Vice President and Chief Investment Officer Brian Perry, CFP®, CFA® charter, AIF® addresses these questions as he discusses Q1 market volatility and the outlook for Q2 and […]

As the financial markets fall and then surge, Joe and Big Al talk about market timing, reallocating retirement contributions, and portfolio rebalancing. Plus, your questions answered on estimated taxes, Roth conversions, and the logistics of inheriting IRAs and passing assets on. Finally, how is a financial advisor like a golf caddie when markets get volatile? Joe and his Pebble Beach golf caddie buddy, Big G from the Real Life Caddie Podcast, discuss how their professional knowledge and experience can help the rest of us avoid big mistakes.
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A compilation of some of Joe and Big Al’s retirement plan spitballing specifically for those in their 40s and 50s – a critical time on the path to retirement. Is your financial plan set up so you pay as little tax as possible? Does it take volatile markets and potential future tax increases into account? Have you got a strategy nailed down for Roth conversions, or backdoor Roth, or pension options? Maybe you’re making big decisions about what to do with your money between now and when you retire, like buying a house vs. saving for retirement? Are you comfortable with the retirement lifestyle you’re creating? Do you know what you’ll do with your time once you’re permanently off the clock?
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Planning for retirement is one of the most important processes you will undertake in your life. Where are you getting advice for this critical process? Do you get caught up in the minute-to-minute headlines of what is driving the market, or how to invest in just the right stocks to get rich? Are you Googling […]

Money mistakes in a Bull Market versus a Bear Market can make the difference in the lifestyle you have in retirement. They each require their own strategies to make the most of your money. Do you know what they are? Joe Anderson, CFP®, and Big Al Clopine, CPA help you learn from the past, and […]

Will the Fed get inflation under control? Is the economy headed into a recession? Will market volatility continue? Are there financial moves to consider making now? Pure Financial Advisors’ Chief Investment Officer and Executive Vice President, Brian Perry, CFP®, CFA® addresses all of these questions, and viewer questions, in this third quarter market review and […]

When the financial markets are down, should you postpone retirement? When inflation is up, should you change your investments and pile into things like value and commodities? Plus, the ever-popular retirement spitball analysis: an early retirement plan, Medicare, Social Security, TSP, and Roth conversions, and when and how business owners should convert $5.5M to Roth IRA. Also, if excess 2021 Roth contributions were returned, can you file last year’s taxes now without penalty? Finally, what’s the difference between a collective investment trust and regular mutual funds?
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During bull markets, it’s relatively easy to adhere to the philosophy of buying and holding for the long-term, but when markets get rattled, it can be difficult to stay the course while your portfolio falls in value. This has been the case recently, as fears around inflation, war, pandemics, central bank policy, and recessions have […]

Equitable accumulators, cash management accounts, and Social Security: with today’s market volatility, how can you squeeze a few more dollars of income out of your retirement savings? Any reason not to use a robo-advisor for decumulation, in other words, spending down those savings? Plus, a pension retirement spitball follow-up, and is it possible to avoid tax liability on a lump sum withdrawal from a 401(k)? Finally, is Joe’s marriage the canary in the Coors Light Party Ball for YMYW?
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As bear market territory freaked out some investors, YMYW listeners were a bit more chill as Joe and Big Al spitballed on their specific strategies to manage the decline: does it make sense to move to cash inside your retirement account? How do down markets impact Roth Conversion decisions for older investors? What should your asset allocation be now, during market volatility, if you’re expecting a future windfall? How should you manage the relationship with your financial advisor if they buy high and sell low in your investment portfolio? Should you leave a partially vested pension to grow, or withdraw the money now and convert to Roth? What’s the best way to withdraw from an IRA in a down market?
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From the rise and fall of the individual stocks to get-rich-quick tales of crypto currencies – many people are looking for a short-term solution to a long-term planning problem… and playing the retirement lotto. Financial professionals Joe Anderson and Alan Clopine discuss ways to avoid the retirement lottery and they guide you through strategies for […]

Russia and Ukraine, stock market volatility… learn how the latest events and market moves impact you. What could be next for the economy? What investment opportunities are available? Are there financial moves to consider making now? Brian Perry, CFP®, CFA® serves as Executive Vice President and Chief Investment Officer at Pure Financial Advisors. Questions Answered: […]

As of this writing, the Russian invasion of Ukraine has been going on for more than two weeks. And while the two sides have discussed a ceasefire, they have made little headway into resolving the conflict so far. As a result, financial markets have been extremely volatile, and the longer-term economic implications are building. Russia […]