By: Guest Columnist Skip Schweiss, RIA Biz July 21, 2017
Six years ago, Tiburon Strategic Advisors’ Chip Roame and TD Ameritrade’s, Skip Schweiss turned a bucket-list hike up and down Mount Whitney into a group outing comprising some of the investment services industry’s hardiest souls. Following their successful 22-mile, 6,200 vertical-foot “hike” they all agreed it was so much fun they should do something like it every year.
Thus Chip & Skip’s Excellent Adventure series launched. It’s been a chance to accomplish individual feats that really need a team. Better yet, it’s been a chance to connect the business and personal sides of the financial advice business so that the lines are effectively blurred.
Alan Clopine, co-CEO of Pure Financial Advisors, Inc. and his son, Ryan, joined the most recent leg of Chip & Skip’s Excellent Adventure series – navigating the Kalalau Trail on the island of Kauai.
Each member of the hiking group kept these three core values in mind to guide their adventures:
- Return home alive
- Have fun
- Attain your personal objective
After successfully navigating one of the most dangerous hikes in America, Alan Clopine, co-CEO and his son, Ryan, are grateful for the experience and ready for the next big adventure.
I would like to thank Skip & Chip for putting together an amazing trip…very likely the most beautiful scenery that I have ever seen on a hike! While this was my first “Excellent Adventure” trip, I certainly hope to join on many more and I’m thankful to be included in the group. Ryan and I had a blast and interestingly enough, after we got to Kalalau Beach (with the intent of picking a campsite), we decided to hike back as we had, “a lot more in the tank” and wanted to keep hiking.
I recounted the hike to our 50+ staff at Pure Financial with the message of setting a goal (i.e. hiking the Kalalau trail) but taking one step at a time to achieve the goal (particularly at the dangerous spots). When we got to the imposing Crawlers Ledge where the cliff-side trail is narrow (and one slip would spell doom), a boat full of tourists pulled up below to watch us “try” to successfully cross it…which fortunately we did! – Alan Clopine
Read the article to learn more about Alan’s experience.

Hikers included:
Tiburon Strategic Advisors’ Chip Roame and son Blake
First Ascent Asset Management’s Scott MacKillop and his wife Teresa
Raymond James’ Bill Van Law and his wife Cynthia
TD Ameritrade’s Skip Schweiss
Northstar’s Brad Burgess
Northstar’s Rusty Vanneman
Northstar/Orion Advisor Services’ Eric Clarke and his wife Jill
Pure Financial Advisors’ Alan Clopine and his son Ryan
BrightScope Inc.’s Chris Riggio
Pension Resource Institute’s Jason Roberts and his friend Laurie Kahn
Loring Ward’s Alex Potts and friend John
Davidson Capital’s Dan Tobias and his wife Jillian