
Did you know that your Social Security benefits could be taxed? If not, Pure’s Financial Advisor, Ian Barr, CFP®, breaks down how Social Security is taxed and what it means for you. Understanding the impact of these taxes on your benefits is crucial for maintaining your overall retirement income and financial health. Transcript Picture this: […]

Updated for 2025: Are you cruising into retirement, or are you on a sinking ship? By plotting a good course and using proper tools and strategies, you can cruise into retirement. Unfortunately, many people need a life vest: they’re ill-prepared and without a compass. It’s all about being proactive. This checklist and guide will show […]

Pure’s Senior Financial Advisor, Allison Alley, CFP®, AIF®, provides a comprehensive overview of Social Security, addressing common questions about spousal and divorced spousal benefits, as well as other unique individual situations. Outline 00:00 Intro 1:20 The Importance of Understanding Social Security Benefits 1:40 Benefit Factors 3:15 4 Important Changes to Social Security 6:44 Calculating Benefits […]

Since Social Security is a primary benefit for most, it’s essential to develop a well-thought out claiming strategy. Consider all potential income, expenses, and tactics to improve your chances of achieving your financial goals. Pure’s Financial Advisor, Joey Bailey, CFP®, CPA, explains the impact of Social Security taxes and how they might affect you. He […]

Do you think you’re ready to make one of the biggest financial decisions you’ll ever make? Pure’s Financial Planner, Kyle Stacey, CFP®, AIF®, provides insight into the history of Social Security, important changes in 2023, spousal benefits, survivor benefits, taxation and how to make the most of your Social Security payments. Outline 00:00 – Intro […]

Are you considering working during retirement and uncertain about its impact on your Social Security benefits? Pure’s Financial Planner, Ryan Miiller, CFP® , AIF®, explains the details of benefit calculations both before and after reaching full retirement age. Gain a better understanding of how your decisions today can shape your financial future. FREE GUIDE | […]

Planning for retirement is a crucial part of securing your financial future. Deciding the ideal age to start receiving Social Security can affect the monthly benefit you will receive for the rest of your life and may affect protection for your survivors. Pure’s Financial Planner, Rachel Füss, CFP®, AIF®, will guide you through strategies to […]

There is one decision you can make that can be the difference in tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of dollars for you in retirement. Do you know what it is? How and when you claim your Social Security benefits is a critical choice that many people are not even aware that they have […]

What if you could get a 32% boost in your Social Security benefits? You have the power to maximize the amount of your monthly Social Security check in retirement. The choices you make regarding your Social Security could be the difference in the lifestyle you are able to live during your golden years. Do you […]

Do you know how much your Social Security benefits are expected to be? For many people, Social Security makes up a significant amount of their income in retirement but they don’t factor in how much they expect to receive when they are setting up and executing their financial planning goals. Financial professionals Joe Anderson and […]

Thinking of working in retirement, but you are worried about paying too much in income taxes? Maybe you are not sure about the best time to claim your Social Security benefits. We ask the experts. Financial professionals Joe Anderson and Alan Clopine break down some valuable Social Security secrets that can help put more money […]

The Social Security system is governed by almost 3,000 core rules and thousands upon thousands of additional supplements in its program operating manual. So it should come as no surprise that there is tremendous confusion when it comes to when and how you should claim your Social Security benefits. Yet, those decisions can mean the […]

Almost 70% of people will look to their Social Security benefits to provide their primary income in retirement, but many people don’t know what benefits they are entitled to or the best way to claim them. Financial professionals Joe Anderson and Alan Clopine reveal Social Security secrets for people looking to retire who are single, […]