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Updated for 2024: Every day, about 10,000 Americans retire. Unfortunately, far too many retirees don’t realize that their retirement plan is on life support right from the start because they’ve estimated their financial needs with numbers that are far from the reality they’ll face once they’ve clocked out for the last time. When it comes […]
Will building a new home delay Janelle’s early retirement? Can Mike and his wife retire early at ages 50 and 55, and how much should they convert to Roth? Maria and her partner keep their finances separate – can Maria cover her own expenses in early retirement? Plus, Joe and Big Al explain the difference between FDIC insurance and SIPC insurance for Edward, who wonders if he should spread his assets between banks for protection. Fajita Willy needs a spitball on his MYGA (multi-year guaranteed annuities) retirement strategy. Nancy wants to know if mandatory seismic retrofit expenses are tax-deductible. And how should Lee manage Roth contributions and IRMAA now that his Social Security disability has finally been approved and he’s received 5 years of back pay?
Will Duke and Daisy’s retirement spending plan work? If you’re a fan of hearing Joe and Big Al debate, you’re in luck, as they disagree on assumptions when it comes to retirement planning and withdrawals. The calculator says Chuck in South Carolina could convert even more to Roth, and the fellas spitball on the pros and cons. Plus, what should Chuck’s asset allocation be for his daughters, and how should Scott in Kansas City’s parents allocate their assets? Can Rothaholic undo his Roth conversion? Brian Fantana and his wife are in their 30s and want to retire at 60. Are they on track? Ricky in Alabama wants to avoid Medicare’s IRMAA, or income-related monthly adjustment amount. Should he spend from his IRA or from his Roth? Daniel in Whittier wants to know what exactly counts for IRMAA income, anyway? And finally, Elisa in Fremont wants to know, with the new SECURE Act 2.0 rules, when can you transfer 529 college savings funds to Roth?
Big Tex, Paul in Maryland, and Nick in Alabama all need to know how much money they should convert to Roth to pay as little tax as possible. Johnny and June forgot to convert their backdoor Roth money – are they in trouble? Darren in Nevada has no plans at all to do Roth conversions, but surprisingly still listens to YMYW, and still wants a spitball on his retirement and real estate investment strategies. Plus, can Lolly Pop in New Jersey be less miserly and back off on saving for retirement? Can John in South Carolina use this year’s lower income to reduce his Medicare premiums? And finally, if Ordinary Guy in Boston meets an untimely demise, should that change his plans to retire early?
Every year, Medicare’s open enrollment period is from October 15 to December 7. Choosing the right Medicare plan can be overwhelming, but understanding the basics can help you make an informed decision. Pure’s Financial Planner, Matt Gray, CFP®, discusses the important Medicare parts to consider. FREE GUIDE | Medicare Check-up Guide Transcript Today we’ll cover Medicare […]
For nearly 19 years, Medicare expert and co-founder of Boomer Benefits, Danielle K. Roberts, has been helping people make the most of their Medicare benefits. In this webinar for Pure Financial Advisors, Danielle explains: The basics of Medicare, Part A, Part B, Part C, and Part D Medicare and Social Security How to sign up […]
Medicare can seem complex with its four parts and various coverage options. Pure’s Financial Planner, Daniel Goldstein, CFP®, AIF®, simplifies it for you to help you find plans that suit your needs and budget. FREE GUIDE | Medicare Check-up Guide Transcript Medicare has four parts: Part A; hospital insurance, Part B; medical insurance, Part C; […]
Medicare is a complex program that has many parts and options to choose from. Pure’s Financial Planner, Rachel Füss, CFP®, AIF® walks you through common Medicare mistakes that you should avoid. Take the time to learn, and you’ll safeguard your retirement health coverage without overspending FREE GUIDE | Medicare Check-up Guide Transcript Medicare is a […]
What’s the best strategy for E-Dog’s restricted stock units with his employer, how are RSUs taxed, and how do Roth conversions fit into the mix? Should Jay in Raleigh liquidate his annuities or follow “Stan the Annuity Man’s” advice and take the annual payments? Elisa wants to know how a mutual fund portfolio would work in retirement, and what’s a good way for listener Joe to invest in bonds in a taxable account to bring his portfolio back into proper balance? Finally, the fellas spitball on Medicare savings vs. Roth conversions for David, and an unrealized gain strategy on an UTMA education savings account for Jay in California.
Joe and Big Al attempt to clearly and succinctly explain modified adjusted income for Medicare and IRMAA, and the pro-rata and aggregation rules for Roth conversions. Will a combat zone TSP transfer be subject to those rules? Plus, joint tenants with rights of survivorship vs. transfer on death for a brokerage account, reducing taxes on the sale of a timeshare, how much to spend on home improvements, and using a reverse mortgage instead of long-term care insurance. And wait ’til you hear the fellas’ thoughts on the best way to pay the least amount of tax when you cash out your retirement savings to buy gold and silver.
Are health care costs threatening to put your financial plan for retirement on life support? If you overlook this important aspect of retirement planning, it could throw off your entire financial bottom line. Every day about 10,000 Americans turn age 65, at which point they qualify for Medicare. But for many retirees, Medicare enrollment is […]
Understanding Medicare is an important part of any retirement plan. In this webinar, Jeffrey Riego and Diane Gaswirth of UnitedHealthcare answer 10 common Medicare questions: What is Medicare? Who can get Medicare? Do I need Medicare if I plan to work past 65? What does Medicare cover? Where can I get more coverage? What does […]