
YMYW listeners in their 40s are ready to call it quits at work, become financially independent, and retire early. Can they afford to do it? Peter and Joanna want to retire in the next two years. “Burned Out and Ready to Retire” wants out of his toxic office. If Maryland Chicken Man never earns another dollar, how much can he withdraw from his retirement accounts each year? Plus, Suzanne in Massachusetts is 69 and needs $60K annually for 30 years. Is she all right?

What’s a safe withdrawal rate for Wine Guy and Wine Gal in Sonoma California to have 35 years of “guaranteed” retirement spending? How aggressively should they convert their retirement savings to Roth IRA? Should the Bond family move from Silicon Valley to a no-income-tax state in retirement? Can Doc in San Francisco quit work in 8 years when his daughter starts college? Rob in Kansas City and his wife are in their late 30s and have 2 million saved. Can they retire early? Plus, Elisa in Fremont has more than the capital gains exclusion for a married couple of $500,000 worth of home equity. How much will this cost her, and will it kill her IRMAA for Medicare premiums? Should Happy Camper and Jolly Pumpkin take their pension’s monthly annuity or the lump sum payout? And finally, Lloyd in South Dakota isn’t a fan of retirement accounts and wants Joe and Big Al to talk some sense into him.

Should 70-year-old Bob live off of capital gains and dividends from his mutual funds plus Social Security, or should he sell poor-performing mutual funds for living expenses and reinvest the cap gains and dividends? Which account should Neal’s 76-year-old Mother use for living expenses? Should Neal and his wife fund their Roth 403(b) until retirement, or contribute to the regular 403(b) and then do Roth conversions after they retire? Plus, Joe and Big Al spitball on whether IndyGuy can retire at 64 and Die With Zero, and Rod doesn’t want a spitball, but he’d like a dart on the wall as to whether his retirement savings will last until age 88.

Your outdated, tired, set-it-and-forget-it financial plan needs a money makeover! Assumptions you make about your finances can make or break your retirement lifestyle – will it be bad or beautiful? Joe Anderson, CFP® and Big Al Clopine, CPA show you how setting goals, revamping your portfolio, and doing a tax turnaround can give your retirement […]