
Are you in the most critical zone of your investment life? Do you know what that critical zone is and how important it is to ensure you make the right moves now? In your financial planning life, there are three phases of investment savings. There is the accumulation phase, the preservation phase, and the distribution […]

From the rise and fall of the individual stocks to get-rich-quick tales of crypto currencies – many people are looking for a short-term solution to a long-term planning problem… and playing the retirement lotto. Financial professionals Joe Anderson and Alan Clopine discuss ways to avoid the retirement lottery and they guide you through strategies for […]

On your road to retirement have you stayed too focused on just socking money away without considering blind spots that could sabotage your overall financial plan? From unexpected out-of-pocket expenses to untimely market downturns, you can lower the impact of these events by planning for them. Financial professionals Joe Anderson and Alan Clopine highlight the […]

Looking forward to retiring, but not sure how close you are to achieving financial freedom? Retiring too early can leave you financially strapped or even feeling unfulfilled. Retiring without a plan in place for how you will withdraw the money you have saved or a plan to help you minimize your tax exposure, can dramatically […]

Can your retirement plan stand up to some serious blows? After years of planning and saving, there are some life events that could give your financial plan a TKO or knockout. Pure Financial Advisors’ Senior Financial Advisor Jack Dugan talks about the jabs your retirement plan can take and how you can counterpunch to overcome […]

A successful retirement lifestyle plan includes a successful financial plan. Knowing you have the money to enjoy your retirement years can buy some much-needed peace of mind for you. Financial professionals Joe Anderson and Alan Clopine ask the essential questions to know if you have enough money to retire or to see if you need […]

Are you ready for retirement? Do you even know what that means? Financial professionals Joe Anderson and Alan Clopine move beyond the numbers to explore a checklist of signs to determine if you are ready for retirement both psychologically and emotionally. Click here to watch the full Successful Retirement Lifestyle Planning episode