
So you won the lottery – congratulations! After you celebrate, should you rip off the band-aid and convert the entire lump sum payment to a Roth IRA? Also, Bucky in WA is required to have the same asset allocation in his traditional and Roth 401(k). Joe and Big Al spitball on his options, along with the pros and cons of consolidating retirement accounts for Scott in NC, and they explain the spousal Roth IRA for Rock Rochester in Manistique, MI. Plus, should Scott in Jackson, MS sign up for the state public employees’ retirement system or a traditional retirement plan? Can Driving Fast, Loving Life in TX speed away in her Porsche from RSU capital gains? And should she and her hubbs retire abroad? Finally, can Sean in Reno, NV buy a million-dollar vacation home in 10 years, and can Jennifer in La Mirada, CA afford to retire after being forced out of a 21-year career?