
You’ve saved money for a house downpayment. Should you invest it in the stock market until you’re ready to buy that property? Should a young saver take as much investing risk as possible, or buy a condo? Plus, the tax efficiency of robo-advisor brokerage account withdrawals, backdoor Roth conversions under the Build Back Better Act, using a charitable remainder trust to avoid inherited IRA tax under the SECURE Act, and listener comments on our pension and capital gains compilation episodes.
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Should those in the 35% tax bracket contribute to traditional 401(k) or Roth 401(k)? Should a self-employed cryptocurrency investor do Roth conversions or tax gain harvesting? Also, a retirement spitball for a couple, age 35, wanting to retire with $5M at age 60. Plus, do the SECURE Act rules for required minimum distributions (RMDs) apply when inheriting an inherited IRA? Finally, comments on some of the proposals in the latest version of the Build Back Better Act, which is currently being considered by the Senate.
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