Pure Financial Advisors was recently named as one of the Top 50 Wealth Managers by Growth in Assets by RIA Channel.  Pure Financial ranked number 27 out of 50.

Pure Financial Advisors Top 50 Wealth Managers 2024 RIA Channel

Pure Financial Advisors Top 50 Wealth Managers 2024 RIA Channel

“RIA Channel is pleased to announce the 2024 RIA Channel® Top 50 Wealth Managers Ranked By Growth In Assets. Growth rates were calculated by RIA Database and firms were ranked using proprietary data on a qualitative and quantitative basis. We congratulate each firm on its success.  RIA Database uses quantitative and qualitative criteria to create all top rankings.” – RIA Channel

Awards or inclusion on ranking lists are not indicative of future performance or representative of any one client’s experience. No compensation was paid for inclusion on this list.  All wealth managers with a two-year growth rate of 30% or greater were ranked based on assets reported on their Form ADV Part I filing as of March 2024. In 2024, Pure Financial ranked number 27 out of 50 Wealth Managers by Growth in Assets.

Click here to view the full list and methodology.

TOP 50 Wealth Managers by Growth 2024